All praises to Alloh, a year after I finished read that book, now I have chance for meeting them, the authors, Hanum Rais and her husband Rangga Almahendra at Journalistic Fair 2013 IPB (Graha Widya Wisuda). I have no picture taken from my pocket camera, cause I don't bring it. But I take this picture from my friend facebook after got permission from her, arigatou gozaimas.
Setahun lalu pernah menuliskan catatan mengenai sejarah Islam yang ditulis di buku '99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa' ini, silakan klik link-nya.
Setahun lalu pernah menuliskan catatan mengenai sejarah Islam yang ditulis di buku '99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa' ini, silakan klik link-nya.
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Alex, Acha, Mbak Hanum, Mas Rangga, and my classmate Haikal (the host). In front of them, the cast of Ayse :) |
Guys, I'll say again that its not about
going studies overseas or just travelling, its more about that, its
about learning how the History of Islam in the Countries that we know
very well, now its known as non-moslem big countries in the world, known as atheis
dominantly people.
this event, Hanum and Rangga shared their experience and also told us
the main reasons about writing thats book. That's book not belong only
two of them, but belong to us, the others Moslem agent in the World.
They also cheer us up for make the same novel about their religious
experience in other countries, may be one day will rising up the novel
abot 'Cahaya dari Rusia' and the others 'Cahaya' that will rise up.
One audience take the chance of discuss and ask about their 'tips' for being commit [istiqomah] with Islam, different with the others that return from foreign coutries with degradation of his/her religion and sometimes their character. Hanum and Rangga answered it clearly, that the first we musn't leave 5 times of Sholat wajib, then have friendship with them who have the same mission as us, then we must choose the foreigner friend that also have good habit [not have drinking habit, although have different religion], that's will guaranted our commitment. And also different from the other, that Hanum also get her hidayah for using veil in Europe, when almost of girls leave their veil there.
On the other hand, Acha also shared her experience for being amazed by the canteen that have slogan 'Eat until you satisfied, and Pay as you wish'. How do you think? It will become great looses right? Haha, of course, if that canteen build in Indonesia with typically Indonesian person. But, as I read in the book, Acha told us that the beautiful of His Favour. 'Memberilah sebanyak-banyaknya, Allohlah yang akan membalas". That canteen never closed up, and every day full of customers. Thats unbelieveable right? :D
The last sentences, audience ask for Acha, when she will used the veil. I think this is contraversion matter, and I never used this as discuss, because however I say it clearly, people always have their reasons in their mind. Acha said that she will used it when she feel that she ready for that, also Hanum say it that dia menggunakan jilbab bukan karena paksaan, tapi dia menggunakan jilbab ketika dia sudah merasa siap lahir dan batin dan menemukan alasan yang tepat untuk menggunakannya.
For me, its little disagreement. If you wait until you ready, then until when you ready for that? Will you waiting 'ready' until the last of your life? How about you still not ready until the end? Using veil is 'wajib' for the moslemah, and wajib not required your 'ready', its only required your action. If you wanna search for the meaning of using veil, and till now I still search for it, it can be searched after you broke the 'wajib' for that.
Its funny when conversation belong to Ayse, the 3rd grade of Elementary School student, her childish character made a lot of laugh in that room, also Haikal, the host of this event (my classmate in Undergraduate degree) has been bulied by her, ahaha, that girl is really funny.
Also, Rangga mentioned that the 'war' in this era will not only 'gun war', but war of the way of thinking [Ghazwul Fikr], and we can participated in that trough 'writing' our ideas. Ghazwul fikr made us about leaving the must do [hal-hal yang wajib] in our religion, made us have a big doubt about our religion [the truth and the false], also the last made us amazed about West Culture. In this book told us that before, in the dynasty of Turki Ustmaniyyah and Abasiyyah, they amazed for Islamic culture, why now we should amazed with them?? This is something that we should learn from.
Oh ya.. noted juga, this is the 3rd generations of IPB Youth Journalist, it means that 2 years has been passed from my trainee as 1st generations of IPB Youth Journalist (IYJ 2011). Proud!!